Morning Reflection

Do you see how one raindrop is shining like the sun, albeit much less radiantly? Do you see the other raindrops on the fence, hanging there without exuding the sun's rays?

God created His creation to glorify Him. Every single thing that He created, He called "good." He created us different than animals by granting us our own wills. Our bodies are His creation and do glorify Him, even though our souls may choose to direct our actions and words to do the opposite. We can choose to saturate ourselves to overflowing with His Word, or we can choose to allow other things to take precedence.

Am I absorbing His Light and passing it on? Or am I just hanging out seeing the Light, but neither acknowledging it nor sharing it? Am I reflecting Him, or am I over on the side just hanging out?

What do you do to keep yourself saturated with The Word? What is your favorite way to share His Truth with others?